EDDA utilities: carbon subtraction

EDDA Programs/Utilities: Carbon subtraction

"carbonSubtract -H h_ifile -C c_ifile -O ofile -a -p -o [-s s] -h [h] -c [c] -n [n] -f from -t to "
generic program to subtract the carbon contribution from CH2 data. Requires that the HBOOK input files h_ifile and c_ifile have been sorted with the same tasks and that a 1-dimensional spectrum exists which can be used for normalization. The spectrum after carbon subtraction is written to file ofile, if -a is specified in append mode. It is assumed that spectrum h (CH2) in h_ifile corresponds to spectrum c (C) in c_ifile, the ouput IDs are equal to those in h_ifile. The normalization is done by adjusting the integral in the region from f to t for spectrum s (CH2) and s-h+c (C). The option -p specifies that errors according to poisson statistics are calculated for all spectra and that error propagation is done. -o specifies that also the orginal histograms (CH2 and C) are copied to ofile with an ID offset of 1000(2000) for CH2(C). The C-spectra are normalized using the normaliztion factor. -n finally specifies the number of histograms to handle. Defaults: h=1, s=h, c=h, n=1.
carbonSubtract2d -H CH2inputHbookFile -C CinputHbookFile -O outputRzfile -a -p -o -s #s -h #h -c #c -n #n -f #f -t #t
subtract spectra with normfactor derived from spectrum #s of the CH2inputHbookFile using limits #f-#t for integration. The normalization is calculated for each y-bin separately all spectra must be two-dimensional and have the same number of y-bins This is applied for #n spectra starting at #h (in the CH2inputHbookFile) Spectrum #h in CH2inputHbookFile is identifies with spectrum #c in CinputHbookFile for subtraction See -? for further details.