EDDA data anlysis

Utilities for Theta-reconstruction of the EDDA-Experiment


For details see the corresponding writeup


How to use:

These are programs written in C++. To include them in your programs specify -I/usr/local/edda/include in the compiler flags (if you are using GNU-make this must be added to the CXXFLAGS variable) and provide -L/usr/local/edda/lib -leddatheta -leddautil as a linking option.

  1. A class for mainpulating spectra generated by gainprep.hoc (see RingSpectra.h for details)
  2. A class for calculating gain and lookup tables for theta reconstruction. (see RingGain.h for details)

Utility Programs

These programs are found in /usr/local/edda/bin
  1. checkRingSpectra
  2. displayRingGain
  3. displayRingLookupTable
  4. calcRingGain
comments etc. to H. Rohdjess rohdjess@iskp.uni-bonn.de