EDDA data anlysis

Libraries for EDDA-Dataanalysis at ISKP

Miscellaneous Utilities Library

This is a library of C++ classes or utility functions.

How to use:

These are programs written in C++. To include them in your programs specify -I/usr/local/gruppen/edda/include in the compiler flags (if you are using GNU-make this must be added to the CXXFLAGS variable) and provide -L/usr/local/gruppen/edda/lib -leddalib as a linking option.
  1. class Rosenbluth to calculate kinamatics and cross sections for electron-proton elastic scattering (assumes that a proton beam is scattered off a fixed electron target and the final state electron is detected). It is meant to be used for the PIN Luminosity Monitor. (see Rosenbluth.h for details)
  2. function simpson to calculate integrals numerically of arbitrary functions using the simpson rule. (see simpson.h for details)
  3. function hpeekstring used to extract strings from histograms filled in YODA by the function hpokestring(). (see hpeekstring.h for details)
  4. class Edouble stores and manipulated double variables with associated error and does proper error propagation. (see edouble.h for details)
  5. function dedx calculates differenmtial energy loss of protons in polystyrene (intended to be used fro the SEM monitor. (see dedx.h for details)
  6. function dedx calculates restricted energy loss of protons in polystyrene (intended to be used fro the SEM monitor. (see dedxRestricted.h for details)
  7. class Table: simple interface to read tables from a file, assuming that it is organized as
    	x[0] y0[0] y1[0] ....
    	x[1] y0[1] y1[1] ....
    	x[n] y0[n] y2[2] ...
    One can retrieve values by lines and columns, or get y values interpoalted between different x-values. x-values must increase with increasing row number. (see table.h for details)
comments etc. to H. Rohdjess rohdjess@iskp.uni-bonn.de