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First, you should check whether YODA is installed on you system. For high level graphics you will also need PAW++ (in principle, everything can be performed using the plain vanilla version of paw, but PAW++ is highly recommended). Enter which paw++ and which yoda to see if these programs are found in your PATH. If not, contact your local expert.

YODA uses the environment variable YODAHOCPATH to search for your analysis tasks written in the hoc language. If it is unset YODA will first look in your current working directory. Assuming your hoc-files reside in /usr/users/joe/hoc you should type:

(If you do not know your shell, enter ps, which should give you (among other things) the name of you shell). You should do this in your .login, .profile, or whatever the appropriate startupfile for your shell is. If you're in doubt, contact your local administrator.

Heiko Rohdjess