



The rosenbluth-tool interpolates and integrates the Rosenbluth formula for proton electron scattering. Try rosenbluth -?:
rosenbluth <options>
<options> are:
[-? | --help]
print this usage, default off
[-i | --integral-only]
integrate only and print result, default no
[-x | --no-fixed-values]
don't print fixed-values (s, integral, ..., default no
[-l | --table] nrows
print nrows rows of pairs (arg,val), default 200
[-a | --argument] argument-name
one of ("thetaLab"|"thetaCMS"), default "thetaLab"
[-f | --function] function-name
one of ("dSigma_dt"|"dSigma_dOmegaLab"|"dSigma_dOmegaCMS"), default "dSigma_dOmegaLab"
[-t | --thetaMin] thetaMin
lower bound for integrating, lab angle in deg, default 38 deg
[-u | --thetaMax] thetaMax
upper bound for integrating, lab angle in deg, default 42 deg
[-p | --phiMin] phiMin
lower bound for integrating, lab angle in deg, default 0 deg
[-q | --phiMax] phiMax
upper bound for integrating, lab angle in deg, default 360 deg
[-e | --tkinBeam] tkinBeam
kinetic beam energy in MeV, default 1000 MeV

Questions ? Comments ! etc. to Rüdiger Groß-Hardt or Uwe Roß.

                                    last changed by Uwe Roß on 2 Apr 1996