EDDA Raytracing Picture by SIGI
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As a nice example that OOP code can easily be reused we provide here a
raytracing picture of the active elements of the EDDA detector. It has been
generated by SIGI, a detector simulation program based on HepGismo.
For the raytracing code, though, only the geometry subproject of HepGismo/Gismo
is used. The raytracing algorithm used is actually quite simple, but then we didn't
want to put too much effort and time into developing it. The raytracing code
was written in 1 1/2 week. The light ray is tracked from the eye of the viewer
through the projection plane until a SOLID medium is hit. From the point hit every
light source is checked for visibility. No further tracking of reflected/refracted
rays is done.
Well, but this is really a rather simple picture...
The geometry shown is actually the one we are using for simulations of the
complete detector. It's simplicity stems from the fact, that only the active
elements of the detector are shown. Any additional elements would only slow
down any simulation, without having any major impact on the result. While it
would be nice to have a more realistic view of the detector, that would
mean to introduce lots of new elements like photomultipliers, etc. So maybe,
when there's enough time...
comments to: Rüdiger Groß-Hardt: hardy@iskp.uni-bonn.de