Literaturliste zu --> Polarisationsobservablen
(Rechnen mit) Polarisationsobservable(n)
- Ohlsen
Rep.Prog.Phys. 35 (1972) 717
- H.E.Conzett
Kopien zur Vorlesung
- H.E.Conzett
Spin Polarization in Nuclear and Particle Physics
Preprint of the LBL; LBL-34403 UC-413,(1993)
- C.Cohen-Tannoudji, B.Diu, F. Laloe
Quantum Mechanics (I und II)
John Wiley & Sons (1977)
- Bystricki / Lehar / Winternitz 39 (1978) 1
- Bourrely
Phys.Rep. 59 (1980) 96-2
- Jacob / Wick
Ann. of Phys. 7 (1959) 404
- Arndt
Phys.Rev. D28 (1983) 97
- R.A.Arndt
Program SAID
Phys.Rev.D. Vol.45 (1992), 3995
- M.W.McNaughton et al.
The p-C Analyzing Power between 100 and 750 MeV
NUcl.Instr.Meth. A241 (1985), 435
- B.Bonin et al.
Measurements of the inclusive p-C analyzing power and cross
section in the 1 GeV region and calibration of the new polarimeter
Nucl.Instr.Meth. A288 (1990), 379
Literatur zur Polarisations-Physik
- T.Aniel et al.
Colloq. Phys. (France) No.C-2 (1985), 499
(über Polarisationsphysik an Saturne)
- P.A.Chamouard et al.,
Colloq. Phys. (France) No.C-6 (1990), 569
(ebenfalls von/über Saturne)
- F.Z.Khiari et al.
Acceleration of polarized protons to 22GeV and the measurement
of spin-spin effects in p-up + p-up -> p + p
Phys.Rev.D Vol.39(1989),45
- H.Sato et al.
Acceleration of polarized protons beam at KEK 12GeV PS
Nucl.Instr.Meth. A272(1988),617
- H.Sato, D.Arakawa, T.Toyama, S.Hiramatsu
Pulsed quadrupole magnet system for the polarized beam
acceleration at the KEK 12GeV PS'
KEK Report 87-22 (1987) A
- T.Khoe et al.
Acceleration of polarized protons to 8.5GeV/c
Part.Accel. Vol.6 (1975),213
- A.D.Krisch et al. (SPIN collaboration)
First Test of a Sibirian Snake Magnet Arrangement to Overcome
Depolarizing Resonances in a Circular Accelerator
Phys.Rev.Lett. Vol63.No11 (1989),1137
- Ya.S.Derbenev, A.M.Kondratenko
Part.Accel. Vol.8 (1978), 115
(Erster Vorschlag einer Sibirian Snake)
- S.Tepikian
Snake Resonances
Proc. of the 8th International Symposium of High Sin Physics,
Minneapolis (1988), 1450
- D.P.Barber
Possibilities for polarized protons at Hera
DESY-95-200, DESY-Zeuthen, August 1995
- G.H. Hoffstätter
Polarized Protons in HERA
Proc. EPAC 96 (Barcelona)
- J.Bystricky, F.Lehar
Jour. de Phys. 1 (1978)
- A.Luccio
Numerical Studies of Sibirian Snajes and Spin Rotators for RHIC
BNL-UC-414, April 1995 (BNC=BerkelyNationalLaboratory)
- A.D.Krisch et al. (SPIN collaboration)
Effect of a partial Sibirian Snake on an Inducted Depolarizinr Resonance
Phys.Rev.A Vol.46 No.12 (1992), 46
- K.L.Brown, R.V.Servranckx
Optic modules for accelerator design
Nucl.Instr.Meth. A258 (1987), 480
- R.Tölle, U.Bechstedt, J.Dietrich, A.Lehrach, L.H.A.Leunissen
R.Maier, D.Prasuhn, A.Schnase, H.Schneider, H.Stockhorst
Conditioning the Cooler Synchrotron COSY for Internal Experiments
Proc. EPAC 96 (Barcelona)
- T.Roser et al.
Preservation of Proton Polarization by a Partial Sibirian Sbake
During Polarized Beam Acceleration
- A.D.Krisch et al. (SPIN collaboration)
First Test of a Partial Sibirian Snake During Polarized Beam Acceleration
Phys.Rev.Lett. Vol.73, No.12, 1621
- V.Bargmann, L.Michel und V.L.Telegdi
Phys.Rev.Lett. Vol2 (1959), 435
- L.Thomas
Philos.Mag., 3 (1927) 1
- M.Froissart and R.Stora
Nucl.Instr.Meth. 7 (1960), 297
- P.Nghiem and A. Tkatchenko
Nucl.Instr.Meth. A335 (1973),349
- S.Hiramatsu et al.
Depolarization Problems at the KEK PS
KEK Preprint 88-55 (1988) A
- K.Yokoya
Part.Accel. Vol.14 (1983(, 39
- R.E.Pollock
Shift in energy of a Ggamma=2 depolarisation resonance by means
of a Partial TypeIII Sibirian Snake in an electron cooling system
Nucl.Instr.Meth. A300 (1991), 210
- S.Tepikian, S.Y.Lee, E.D.Courant
On Multiple Spin Resonances for the Polarized Proton
Part.Accel. Vol.17 (1986), 1
- R.Gebel
Die Entwicklung des Wasserstoffatomstrahlteils der Quelle
polarisierter Protonen und Deuteronen und der Aufbau der Quelle
für das Cooler Synchrotron COSY in Jülich
Dissertation, ISKP Bonn, 1994
- P.D.Eversheim et al.
The Polarized Ion-Source for COSY
Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on High Spin Physics
(Published in Worls Scientific, Singapore), Amsterdam (1996)
- M.Ellison et al.
Experimental measurements of a betatron difference resonance
Phys.Rev.E Vol.50, No.5, 4051
- D.A.Crandell et al.
Spin-Flipping through an Intrinsic Depolarizing Resonance by Strengthening it
UM HE 96-04 (1996)
- D.P.Barber
Proc. Workshop on Spin Physics at HERA
Zeuthen, DESY 95-200 (1995)
- B.W. Montague
Elementary spinor algebra for polarized beams in storage rings
Part.Accel. Vol.11 (1981), 219
- E.D.Courant, R.D.Ruth
The acceleration of polarized protons in circular accelerators
BNL 51270
- A. Lehrach, L.H.A. Leunissen, H,J,Stein, R.Maier
Tuning of the COSY Telescopes
IKP Annual Report (1996), 228
- S.Y.Lee
Snakes and spin rotators for high energy accelerators
Nucl.Instr.Meth. A306 (1991),1
- S.Y.Lee, S.Tepikian, E.D.Courant
Polarized Beams at the SSC
AIP Conf.Proc. No.14 (1986), 185
- T.Roser
Properties of partially excited sibirian snales
Proc. of the 8th Int. Sympos. on High Spin Physics, Minneapolis (1988), 45
- S.Peggs
The Projection Approach to Solenoid Compensation
Part.Accel. Vol.12 (1982) 219