EDDA data analysis reports

EDDA Writeups and reports

(most documents are for internal use only!)
  1. Analysis software for use with YODA, PAW (ATTENTION: this is very outdated !)
  2. Some kinematic relations for pp elastic scattering
  3. Writeup on theta-reconstruction (restricted access)
  4. Writeup on time-reconstruction (restricted access)
  5. Writeup on EDDA-Hardcallbacks for use in YODA in PostScript or html (restricted access)
  6. Using Proton Proton Elastic Scattering to Determine COSY Beam Parameters
  7. Guide to EDDA Offline Analysis (restricted access)
  8. Innenschalen-Software (restricted access)
  9. Spin Physics
  10. Writeup on a kinematic fit (restricted access)
  11. Writeup on analysis of 1022/1458 MeV flattop runs from 11/97 (Draft) gzipped PostScript or html . Comments wellcome to rohdjess@iskp.uni-bonn.de (restricted access)
  12. A chi-square fit to determine spin correlation parameters (restricted access)

Short notes on different topics (restricted access)