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A Sample Analysis Task

Suppose, we want to to calculate the mean value and of our 16 imaginary data values coming in, and print them out to the screen. If we denote the values belonging to a single event with DUMMY[0]to DUMMY[15], the following user task calculates the above quantity for each event (create it with an editor - remember the ; at the end of each statement, and save it under the filename dummy.hoc ):

/* procedure init. called once when this task is loaded */
proc init()
select DUMMY;     /* look only for data of signature DUMMY */

/* procedure analyze. called every time a DUMMY event is coming in */
proc analyze()
  for(i = sum = 0; i < 16; i++)        /* loop over all array elements */
    sum += DUMMY[i];
  mean = sum / 16;                     /* calculate the mean value */
  printf("mean value is: %f\n", mean); /* print out the mean value */

Let's take a closer look at this file. At first glance, it looks like C, but some things are special. There is no main() function, instead there are two subroutines here denoted init() and analyze(). For each task, the convention is that the procedure init() is run once whenever the task is loaded into the YODA interpreter, whereas the procedure analyze() is run each time a matching event occurs in the incoming datastream. There is also an optional procedure finish(), which is called each time the data processing is halted (either manually, or at the end of the input file).

How does YODA know when to call the procedure analyze() ? The init() procedure contains the statement select DUMMY;, which does two things:

So the effect of this select statement is, that each time DUMMY data are found, analyze() is called, and at the same time the DUMMY[]-array contains the actual values. For the next incoming DUMMY-data, the array values are updated, analyze() is called again, and so on.

The rest of the file is not hard to understand. Note that all variables (and arrays) in the analysis task are of type double, no matter what the type of the input data (as described in the selector database) is. So the format specification in the printf-statement is of floating-point type, This must even be used for ''integer-looking'' variables as i or j.

Now we are ready to try this dummy-analysis.

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Heiko Rohdjess