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Subevent Handling

There are predefined classes to handle subevents:

SelectedData<T> name; defines name to be a variable linked to an existing subevent (as select in the hoc language).
AccessedData<T> name; like access in the hoc language
GeneratedData<T> name; name identifies a subevent to be added to the current containerevent.

where T is a storage type. Supported storage types are listed in table

Table 7.1: Supported data types for subevents
type in name C++ storage type comment
undefined UNDEFINED any class may be anything (caution!)
char SIGNED_CHAR char  
uchar UNSIGNED_CHAR unsigned char  
short SIGNED_SHORT short  
ushort UNSIGNED_SHORT unsigned short  
long SIGNED_LONG int32  
ulong UNSIGNED_LONG uint32  
int8 SIGNED_INT8 int8  
uint8 UNSIGNED_INT8 uint8  
int16 SIGNED_INT16 int16  
uint16 UNSIGNED_INT16 uint16  
int32 SIGNED_INT32 int32  
uint32 UNSIGNED_INT32 uint32  
int64 SIGNED_INT64 int64 only supported on
uint64 UNSIGNED_INT64 uint64 64bit architecture
float FLOAT float  
double DOUBLE double  

The most important member functions of your callback will be the virtual functions init(), analyze(), and - if desired - finish().

The function accept() is called by YODA (by the eventstream object) once for each containerevent. Via the member functions of Eventstream, the callback has full access to the containerevent's data. It can then decide, whether to accept (hence the name) the event for processing -- it will return a 1 (one) -- or to ignore this containerevent. It may also pick out one or more pointers to subevents to deal with later on.

If this function returns one, the member function analyze() will be called. Here the actual (complicated) analysis should take place. By using Eventstream member functions, all information about and inside the current containerevent can be queried. Moreover, subevents can be deleted and new subevents (containing results of the analysis) can be generated and added to the current containerevent.

With the optional member function finish(), results can be printed or saved whenever the data analysis is stopped (either by end-of-file or by user interaction).

As you may have noticed, the member functions analyze() and finish() correspond exactly to the hoc-procedures with the same name. The accept() member function, however, is hidden in the context of the hoc language and works according to the select statements given in the hoc procedure init().

After building your hard callback class, you must create a single object of this class (instantiate it), and ''announce'' this callback to YODA's eventstream object. This is done in with the call eventstream's member function link().

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Heiko Rohdjess