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Writing Data with YODA

To write data with YODA, you can simply use the write_data() function of the hoc-language or the put() member function of the Eventstream class (when called from a hardcallback). Once you use this function, the current contents of the eventstream (a ''snapshot'' containing one complete containerevent) is written to the current output file. Output to file can be specified either on YODA's commandline (output option), or interactively with the File pulldown menu (some minor modifications in the graphical user interface are required).

The call to put() or write_data() writes the current contents of the containerevent to the output file. This includes all subevents, which may have been added by the hard callback(s) defined. All deleted subevents will disappear in teh output as well.

Be sure to use the put() member-function or write_data() function only once for each containerevent, i.e. from one callback only, else you will get multiple containerevents with the same contents into the output file. If you have multiple callbacks, which add or delete subevents independently you should probably add the put() call into Eventstream's member function dispatch() only.

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Heiko Rohdjess