Event Generators


Event Generators

Go to Table of contents, Top of this page, TwoParticles, NumberGenerators, FowlGenerator,
MicresGenerator, MicresFinalState, OneHadronGenerator, VertexGenerators, Bottom.


[ section name ]
Typ                = TwoParticles
T                  = kinetic beam energy in GeV
directionGenerator = PointGenerator( 0, 0, 1 )
vertexGenerator    = see below
beamParticle       = 
targetParticle     = 
particle1          = 
particle2          = 
numberGen          = see below
phi min            = in rad, optional
phi max            = in rad, optional
simulates two particle elastic scattering, as yet two differential cross section parameterizations are supported: the Rosenbluth formula for proton electron scattering and Simon et al. proton proton elastic scattering phase shifts.
sets the beam momentum direction, needs not be normalized.
sets the beam target interaction.
determines the cross section parameterization used.

Number generators

simulates proton proton elastic scattering according to phase shifts of Simon et al.,Absolute pp-elastic cross sections 492 to 793 MeV,Phys.Rev.C3 662 (1993).
beamParticle    = "p"
targetParticle  = "p"
particle1       = "p"
particle2       = "p"
PartialWave( 2 * atan( GAMMA_CM * tan( THETA_MIN deg ) ), 
             2 * atan( GAMMA_CM * tan( THETA_MAX deg ) ), 
             Y_MAX, C_0, C_2, C_4, C_6 )
THETA_MIN, THETA_MAX in lab. sys.

only five kinetic energies are supported:

T/MeV GAMMA_CM Y_MAX C_0 C_2 C_4 C_6
491.9 1.12345 5.080 4.248 0.832 0.000 0.000
575.5 1.14310 6.499 4.587 1.838 0.074 0.000
641.6 1.15841 8.777 5.071 3.242 0.395 0.069
728.2 1.17816 11.631 5.630 5.011 0.881 0.109
793.0 1.19272 13.811 6.091 6.185 1.340 0.195

simulates delta-electrons according to Rosenbluth's formula
beamParticle    = "p"
targetParticle  = "e-"
particle1       = "e-"
particle2       = "p"
Rosenbluth( 2 * atan( GAMMA_BEAM * tan(THETA_MIN deg) ),
            2 * atan( GAMMA_BEAM * tan(THETA_MAX deg) ), 
THETA_MIN, THETA_MAX in lab. sys.
GAMMA_BEAM = (EKIN+.938)/.938

Go to Table of contents, Top of this page, TwoParticles, NumberGenerators, FowlGenerator,
MicresGenerator, MicresFinalState, OneHadronGenerator, VertexGenerators, Bottom.


[ section name ]
Typ              = FowlGenerator
T                = kinetic beam energy in GeV        
vertexGenerator  = see below
beamParticle     = 
targetParticle   = 
Number Particles = N
particle1        = 
particle2        = 
  ....           = 
particleN        = 
simulates N-particle final states according to phase space

Go to Table of contents, Top of this page, TwoParticles, NumberGenerators, FowlGenerator,
MicresGenerator, MicresFinalState, OneHadronGenerator, VertexGenerators, Bottom.



#ifndef MICRES
#define MICRES
[ Micres ]
secondaries Flag = 1
[ section name ]
Typ             = MicresGenerator
T               = kinetic beam energy in GeV        
momentumDir     = vector( MOMX , MOMY , MOMZ )
vertexGenerator = see below
beamParticle    = see section on MICRES
targetMaterial  = see section on materials
simulates hadron nucleus scattering, see section on MICRES for details
are the direction cosines of the lab momentum, its length should be normalized to unity or you get into big trouble. Default is (0,0,1), defined in generator.ini.

Go to Table of contents, Top of this page, TwoParticles, NumberGenerators, FowlGenerator,
MicresGenerator, MicresFinalState, OneHadronGenerator, VertexGenerators, Bottom.


[ section name ]     
Typ             = MicresFinalState
T               = kinetic beam energy in GeV        
momentumDir     = vector( MOMX , MOMY , MOMZ )
vertexGenerator = see below
beamParticle    = see section on MICRES
targetMaterial  = see section on materials
Number Particles = N
particle1        = 
particle2        = 
  ....           = 
particleN        = 
same as MicresGenerator but only those events with the specified out channel are tracked through the detector, all others are rejected.

Go to Table of contents, Top of this page, TwoParticles, NumberGenerators, FowlGenerator,
MicresGenerator, MicresFinalState, OneHadronGenerator, VertexGenerators, Bottom.


[ section name ]     
Typ             = OneHadronGenerator
T               = kinetic beam energy in GeV        
vertexGenerator = see below
spatialAngle    = SpatialAngle( THETA_MIN deg, THETA_MAX deg, PHI_MIN deg, PHI_MAX deg)
beamParticle    = see section on MICRES
targetMaterial  = see section on materials
same as MicresGenerator but tracks only particles that are emitted into the spatial angle defined by SpatialAngle( ... )

Go to Table of contents, Top of this page, TwoParticles, NumberGenerators, FowlGenerator,
MicresGenerator, MicresFinalState, OneHadronGenerator, VertexGenerators, Bottom.

Vertex generators

PointGenerator( X, Y, Z)
sets the target position to ( X, Y, Z)
GaussXGenerator( X, Y, Z, SIGMA)
sets the target position to ( gauss(mean X, width SIGMA), Y, Z)

Go to Table of contents, Top of this page, TwoParticles, NumberGenerators, FowlGenerator,
MicresGenerator, MicresFinalState, OneHadronGenerator, VertexGenerators, Bottom.

Questions ? Comments ! etc. to Rüdiger Groß-Hardt or Uwe Roß.

                                    last changed by Uwe Roß on 15 Mar 1996